Hello and Welcome!

January 2016:

National Winter Sports Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Month

Although often overlooked, TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY (TBI), Associated With Sports, is a MAJOR issue.



The Johnny O Foundation is the only National Non-Profit to link cognitive impairment (difficulty with memory, learning, concentrating and/or making decisions that affect everyday life), for people age 1-101.

This organization is a leader in bringing awareness to ALZHEIMER’S, TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY (TBI) and DEMENTIA.






People Affected By Cognitive Impairments:

15 Million Americans

Age 1-101

Alzheimer’s and other forms of Dementia………………10 Million

Car Accidents………………………………………………………850K

Sports Injury……………………………………………………….440K



If you haven’t already, please check out the new film by Will Smith, ‘Concussion’, that goes into detail about the detrimental, and often deadly, effects of repetitive head trauma.

Here’s a link to the trailer for CONCUSSION by Will Smith….






1. There are similar injuries to the brain in War Veterans and Football Players
2. The leading cause of death from sports-related injuries is Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
3. NFL players are at higher risk for Alzheimer’s and ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
4. Professional football players have a four fold risk of dying from Alzheimer’s or ALS, compared to the general population.
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is the term used for this repetitive brain trauma, and its subsequent effects on cognitive function in those affected.

Bennet Ifeakandu Omalu, M.D. was the first to publish findings of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) in American Football Players.


What Can You Do To Protect Yourself, Family, Friends, Children, Students, Teammates and Patients??



1. Playgrounds with SHOCK ABSORBING Surfaces
2. Helmets for Biking….Skateboarding….Football…..Baseball…..Wrestling
3. IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION for those who show Signs or Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
4. Create a ‘Concussion Action Plan’ if you are a School Health Provider, Coach or Administrator……
Check Out, http://www.cdc.gov/HEADSUP/index.html, for essential information on the ‘HEADS UP’ Campaign to combat Traumatic Brain Injury.
5. Health Care Provider On Site During High Risk Sport Activities.
Know The SIGNS of A Concussion/Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI):



1. Person is DAZED or CONFUSED
2. Loss of Consciousness (Most patients do not lose consciousness)
3. Repeats Questions
4. Answers Questions Slowly
5. Amnesia…cannot recall events that occurred before, or after, the event.
6. Behavior or personality changes
7. Blurry or double vision…..Vision Change
8. Fatigue
9. Balance issues
10.Sensitive to light or noise
11.Sleep disturbances
12.Difficulty concentrating or remembering


Treatment depends on the severity, presentation timeline (time elapse from initial injury to medical evaluation and diagnosis) of the injury, radiographic findings (Xray, CT, MRI) and clinical manifestation (Ex. seizure, paralysis, etc…) of the injury.


The first line treatment is KNOWING the signs of a SPORTS-RELATED TBI….


The CDC has free educational tools…HEADS UP Concussion Campaign



Medical evaluation is ESSENTIAL to ensure that appropriate therapy is rendered.


We will continue to post Fact Sheets and Additional Issues on This Critical Issues That Affect So Many of Our Lives.


Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for Updates!!!!
As Always,
Take care. Be well. Be safe.
Lisa Whitty Bradley, M.D., FACS
CEO & Founder
Chicks With MDs, LLC

Please SHARE, Leave Comments and Spread the Word!!


Check out our reference list for more info and resources…….







Concussion Traumatic Brain Injury Resource Center

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