Happy New Year!

I know this is not a very ‘sexy’ topic to start off the new year…..yet it is truly critical to talk about FOLIC ACID DEFICIENCY and its effect on all of our lives.

January 3-9, 2016, is National Folic Acid Awareness Week



So who cares and why???


Well, let’s start with the basics…..

What is Folic Acid?

B Vitamin

What does it do??

1. Produces healthy red blood cells
2. Aids in rapid cell division and growth
4. Vital to metabolism of certain drugs and biochemical reactions in the body
5. Promote Neurological Health
6. Reduce the toxicity of methotrexate in psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis


What Foods Are a Great Source of Folic Acid?

Great question!


Spinach….Avocado…..Romaine lettuce……Broccoli……Citrus Fruits…..Beans….Peas……Lentils…..Okra…..Seeds and Nuts…Carrots……Celery…..Squash……Asparagus….Corn……Beets….Cauliflower…..Brussel Sprouts


What CAUSES Folic Acid (Folate) Deficiency?

1. Poor Dietary Intake of Folic Acid
2. Poor Absorption (Digestion) of Folic Acid
3. Anti-Seizure Medication….Valproic Acid
4. Mood Stabilizer….Lithium and Valproic Acid


Signs, Symptoms and Effects of Folic Acid Deficiency……

2. Fatigue
3. Forgetfulness
4. Loss of Appetite
5. Weight loss
6. Neural Tube (Spinal Cord)….Spina Bifida and Brain Defects
7. Increase Risk of Second Heart Attack
8. Increase Risk of Stroke
9. Drop in Sperm Count
10.Low Bone Density


Who should take Folic Acid Supplements?

1. Women of Childbearing Age…..400 mcg Folic Acid daily for at least one month prior to becoming pregnant and during the first trimester……Reduces risk of Neural Tube Defects by 50%


********Recommendation is to start the Folic Acid Supplementation once you discontinue birth control********

*******The Hispanic Population has a 1.5 to 2.0 increased risk of NTD (Neural Tube Defects)!!!!**********

****General Population, 14 yrs of age and older…..400 mcg Folic Acid Daily*****

Other Conditions Treated With Folic Acid…..

Cancer…..Cognitive effects……Colorectal Cancer……Chronic Kidney Disease…..Depression…….Diabetes…….Fragile X Syndrome…..Heart Disease……High Blood Pressure……Methotrexate Toxicity……Stroke……Gum Overgrowth……Vitiligo……Preeclampsia



Are there any SIDE EFFECTS from taking the recommended dose or TOO MUCH Folic Acid?


1. Allergic Reaction….If you experience hives, difficulty breathing or swallowing, notify your doctor and emergency medical services right away.

2. Loss of Appetite
3. Bloating
4. Bitter taste
5. Irritability
Most importantly, see your doctor or primary health care provider (HCP) annually, or as directed.

Seek medical attention immediately if, or when you become pregnant…..and continue your prenatal and post-natal care, as directed.




Please pass this information onto any and everyone who can benefit from this post.

Please check out the reference list for additional information.

As Always,

Take care. Be Well. Be safe.

Lisa Whitty Bradley, M.D., FACS
CEO & Founder
Chicks With MDs, LLC


1. http://www.folicacidinfo.org/

2. http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/folicacid/index.html

4. http://www.webmd.com/…/lifestyl…/supplement-guide-folic-acid

5. http://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-suppl…/…/dosing/hrb-20059475


National folic acid awareness week 2016: Folic acid deficiency and sources: Are you deficient in…

Folic acid awareness week is a way to bring the issue of folic acid deficiency to light and educate people about good sources of this important vitamin.